Friday, October 17, 2014

My trip to the Hermit Kingdom pt1

Like many Westerners I am fascinated by North Korea and have been encouraged through the reading of enjoyable books as well as the sensationalistic reporting on North Korea in the Western media and the intriguing videos on YouTube to find a way to travel to North Korea and see if it's all that it's claimed to be. So I decided to go on a tour in North Korea to see the Hermit Kingdom for myself. It went through a company called "Widaehan Chosun Minjok (WCM)" that organized individual as well as group tours into the DPRK, as the country officially calls itself. I had to pay 1800$ for a five day individual tour that would take me to various places around the country, and for a university student like me this isn't a small sum of money. The company claims to be support tourism in the DPRK as a means of engaging the North Korean people and showing them that capitalists and Westerners aren't all that scary and quite wealthy indeed. So it was two months ago that I found myself in Beijing on my way to Pyongyang. After a bizarre flight listening to North Korean military music and seeing Stewardesses with tacky haircuts that gave you a 1970s vibe the airplane landed in North Korea and just like that, I found myself in one of the most fascinating countries in the world.

At the airport I could see the familiar 'PYONGYANG' spelled out in English letters as well as a poster of Kim Il Sung, the founding father of the country. I was greeted by a young, female tour guide in her early 20s, roughly the same age as me. She was breathtakingly beautiful with clear pale skin and beaming with self-confidence. We shook hands and she bluntly told me "My name is Song Sun Hye, but you will address me as Ms. Song Sun Hye at all times." and asked "What is your name?" I told her my name and she dismissely smirked and replied "Why are American names so diverse? In my country most names are similar, it's better that way, it shows Korea is descended from pure blood and has a strong single-minded unity." She told me that a van would be waiting for us outside the airport to take us to the Koryo Hotel.

Walking towards the van together she began by saying "I will for the next five days guide you through the best country in the world - my country. In my country everything is perfect and everything is free. Unlike in capitalist societies, we have free education, housing and healthcare provided to us by our Great Leader Generalissimo Kim Jong Un. Our country's history stretches back 5000 years and Korea is the cradle of human civilization from which all good things over the course of history have emenated. Accordingly, you should at all times show sufficient respect to the greatest civilization in all of history, Korean civilization. After our country has been tormented by Japanese bastards for 40 years, it got liberated by our Great Sun Kim Il Sung only to be torn into two by American bastards who out of jealousity of Korean greatness decided to invade our country. Living in the degenerate society of America, you're probably used to air pollution and gun violence, you can relax now that you've come to the cleanest city in the world - Pyongyang, which is absolutely crime-free. Koreans are biologically incapable of committing crimes." Slightly bewildered I got into the van and sat down in the back together with her, with an empty seat between us. The driver didn't seem to pay any attention to us and was driving quite fast across Pyongyang's relatively empty roads.

As we were driving in the van I pointed to one of the iconic traffic police girls in Pyongyang and jokingly asked my guide why all the North Korean traffic police are girls.

She took great offence and told me with a glaring look in her eyes that "As an American bastard, you have no right to address to our women as 'North Korean', from now on you will address me and all other females in our country as 'Korean women'. All Korean women are inherently superior to American bastards. Whenever addressing a superior Korean woman, show sufficient respect." I nodded in silence, surprised by her virulent reaction.

Miss Song Sun Hye

Before we drove to the hotel we apparently made another stop, the Mansudae Hill with the statues of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. Miss Song told me buy a couple of flowers for $10 lay them at the base of the statues and bow respectfully. "No way I'll pay to bow in front of these two mass murdering parasites!" I responded. She shot me a furious glance and quietly told me in my ear that I better do it if I want to safely come home. Reluctantly I submitted to her demands and bowed in front of the two massive displays of megalomania. Afterwards we drove to the Koryo Hotel and checked into the lobby.

I got into my hotel room and turned on the TV to see Kim Jong Un and Ri Sol Ju visiting an elite school in Pyongyang. The children could be seen in tears jumping up and down with with their arms stretched towards the sky shouting 'Manse! Manse! Manse!'. The looks of rapture on their faces and the tears rolling down their eyes were striking. I began unpacking some of my stuff when Miss Song suddenly knocked on my door and entered the room.

She told me that she will explain the purpose of these tours. She said "The reason why tours like this are organized is for foreigners to shower praise upon the dynamic Juche system, its glorious leadership and passionate people. If you're too critical of the DPRK the tour will be terminated and you will be sent on a plane back to Beijing or in serious cases detained by DPRK police." She told me she has had enough of Yankee rats with visiting her country and insulting its pride. "Having been born as a Korean woman I'm superior by blood to American bastards, so it's only natural that Americans should come with reverence and deep respect to my country." she said.

She demanded I apologize for my arrogance and insolence earlier on Mansudae Hill in grossly disrespecting the great Korean people's leaders by kissing her feet. I was only a few hours into the tour and she has already made it clear that she's fully in control of this relationship. Having become intimidated by her mention of police detention I agreed to comply with her request, besides her domineering personality and desire to humiliate me were beginning to sexually excite me. She was young and stunningly gorgeous. Why wouldn't I enjoy her bossing me around like this?

She took me into a quiet area of the Koryo Hotel and as nobody seemed to be around she demanded I go on my knees like a dog and lick the bottom of her dirty shoes. I did as she commanded, and could hear her giggling boastfully 'miguk nomdeuleun modu dongil - 미국 놈들은 모두 동일', American bastards are all the same. She was wearing beautiful and expensive-looking high heels. I kissed her toes a couple of times and then proceeded by licking the soles of her high heels. Noticing the visible bulge in my pants she scoffed "so you like that sort of stuff, huh?" and withdrew her feet in contempt.

Miss Song said "Look. We hate Yankees in our country. You should admit your status as an inferior bastard and submit fully to the whims of a Korean woman like me. For the privilege of becoming my bastard dog for the next five days, you should pay me a 100 dollars per day, adding up to 500 dollars at the end of the tour. There's some new clothes I would like to have, a Korean woman needs to look elegant at all times."

"Yes, Miss Song Sun Hye." I responded. I relished at the thought of more humiliating experiences like this to come. She began to walk towards her room and I stood up and looked around to make sure nobody had seen us. She turned around and said in a giggling tone "Oh, and by the way, tommorow at 10am we'll be going to the Juche Tower so wake up early enough, you stupid American bastard."


Waking up the next morning I had breakfast at the Koryo Hotel together with a tour group that was staying at the same hotel. I had bought an individual tour, more expensive, but I wanted to form a more close relationship with my guides and didn't want to travel with a group of strangers who could potentially sour the experience. I sat down at the table and listened to the tour group chattering away while eating my breakfast.  After a few minutes I saw my tour guide Ms. Song Sun Hye enter the dining room, she walked towards us and sat down at the chair opposite to me. In her excessively proud and self-confident voice she asked the tour group what people in their countries thought about her country.

The tour group, a bunch of Westerners from Canada, Australia and the US told her rather politely compared to my outburst at the statues yesterday that "North Korea is considered a brutal totalitarian regime that doesn't respect the human rights of its citizens". She laughed heartily and told them that guides like her were here to show us Westerners how wrong we were about Korea. Her smile now turning into a mischievous smirk, I could feel her putting her foot between my crotch pressing onto it with her high heels. "And you, what do you think about my country?" Knewing my duty as an American bastard I went into a loud tirade proclaiming that Korea is the best country in the world thanks to the Great Generalissimo. America is a disgusting hellhole filled with AIDS and gangsters in comparison. America is still a young country, so we have a lot to learn from Korean civilization, the oldest civilization in the world! She was pleased and laughed, saying to the others "See? This bastard understands my country!" They were probably thinking I was some crazy neo-Stalinist! But I knew by now what I had to say to please Miss Song Sun Hye if I didn't want her heels crush my genitals.

After I finished my breakfast, we walked out of the hotel and she told me to get into the van. In the van she told me "As you travel through my glorious country, you should always be aware of your status as a dirty inferior Yankee dog. An inferior American bastard dog should internalize Korean female supremacy. For the rest of this tour you should bow at a 90 degree angle towards any Korean woman you meet." 

The guide at the Juche Tower was clad in a bright pink-colored "Chosun-ot", the traditional dress of Korean women.  She introduced herself as Kim Tae Hee. At that moment my eyes brightened up as I remembered a famous South Korean actress with the same name. I remembered what Miss Song had told me when we first met about Korean names being similar due to the purity of Korean blood. In any case, I decided to bow to her in a 90 degree angle as Miss Song ordered me to. She didn't speak English so Miss Song would always translate what Miss Kim had to say. I noticed that Miss Kim spoke in a strong North Korean accent. She began her tour of the Juche Tower by saying "Foreigners from all around the world are admirers of the Great Juche Socialist System. How blessed are we Korean women to belong to Kim Il Sung's race? Let us forever glorify the Great Hero of the International Communist Movement and Sun of Humanity, Kim Il Sung!"

I knew I had to show respect for the superior blood that flows through the veins of Korean women and so I simply nodded in agreement and said "Truly, Korean women are the most beautiful in the world because they have the greatest ideology." Clearly pleased by my response, Miss Kim continued by telling us that the Juche Tower has 25,550 blocks, representing the amount of days the Great Leader Kim Il Sung had lived up until the day it was built. I took out my camera and began snapping some pictures, admiring the view of Pyongyang. Up here you could see many landmarks of this attractively laid out city. 

Next on the itinerary was the USS Pueblo, a 'spy ship' that the DPRK captured in 1969 and proudly display in Pyongyang as evidence of the crimes of the Yankee pigs.

USS Pueblo Guide

"I hate American imperialists!" the guide at the USS Pueblo told me bluntly to my face. Though not a soldier, she was dressed in DPRK military uniform.

She spit in my face. I turned towards Miss Song who looked at me with a cold satisfied stare, then I turned back towards the USS Pueblo guide, bowed towards her and politely thanked her, telling her that I feel honored by such treatment coming from divine Korean women. They both laughed and she said to Miss Song in Korean "i saekkieun uli nala-eseo jasin-ui sahoejeog jiwileul ihae - 새끼 우리 나라에서 자신의 사회적 지위를 이해! - I see you've already shown this bastard his place in our country!" to which she replied "de, i migugnomeun ppalli baeunda - 이 미국 놈은 빨리 배운다. - Yes, he's a fast learner." 

They showed me around the USS Pueblo with obvious seething contempt, frequently making references to the US imperialist bastards that surrendered like cowards in front of the mighty DPRK. After being shown around every last corner of the ship, they told me to write down a few sentences into the guest book. Looking at some of the other entries, I wondered what the people before me were thinking as they wrote their statements into this guest book. I decided to leave something curious for the people after me: "The USS Pueblo showcases for eternity the cowardly nature of American bastards, trying to subvert the glorious and invincible DPRK. American bastards should kneel for mercy in front of divine Korean women." Try looking for my entry in case you visit the country one day.


As I met Miss Song the next morning, I dutifully bowed to her and asked her what we would be doing today. "We'll be going to Wonsan, a harbor city of my beautiful country. You will be seeing a concert performance by DPRK students."

We were driving on an empty highway surrounded by green countryside fields, from time to time you would see small village houses and people working on the fields. After a two and half hour drive we arrived in Wonsan. Arguably the second most beautiful city in the DPRK, next to Pyongyang. The driver drove us to a large school and Miss Song and I entered it. Inside I saw the classroom teacher, she was dressed in a white/black Chosun-ot of which I've already seen many, but had a Kim Jong Un badge instead of a Kim Il Sung or Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il Badge, which surprised me. I bowed to her and she took us to a large hall with a school theatre stage.

There were two rows of some 20 students in their late teens all dressed in identical DPRK schoolgirl uniforms and all having identical haircuts, they looked somewhat like clones. They were singing militant military songs about the Iron-Fisted Lord of Steel Kim Jong Un and the Great Korean People crushing the imperialist cockroaches. At the end of the 45 minutes dance and song performance they shouted "Uri Wonsu-nim Man-Manse!" I was told by Miss Song that I should bow towards the girls, which I did. The teacher and Miss Song applaused the girls and the girls walked off stage and chattered amongst themselves. Afterwards Miss Song guided me around the school and showed me a picture of Korean children stabbing a hook-nosed American imperialist with a giant pencil. She told me "The fury towards the enemy is shared across all ages among our people."
We continued walking through the school until Miss Song stopped at a window and aimed at a large swimming pool outside "You see those students swimming out there? They're having sport class at the moment, the best swimmers will have the possibility to participate in international events and bring glory to our country." she said with evident pride.
"You see that room there? That's the girls locker room. I got the keys to the school from the teacher earlier during the performance. Now watch."

I looked on perplexed as to why she was opening the girl's locker room with her keys until she bluntly told me "I want you to go inside and steal all the girls panties, and hurry up." I couldn't believe what she was saying and stuttered in outrage "What? Why should I do that?" She got angry and kicked her knee against my leg and told me to never question the orders of a Korean woman ever again. So I reluctantly went into the locker's room and started searching through all the bags of the girls. Crawling through all this underwear and touching all these bras and panties, even noticing that some of them were still warm, I naturally began to become aroused, but I focused on collecting them quickly and getting out of there as soon as possible. As I walked out with roughly 30 different panties in my hands, she quickly grabbed one of the panties and pressed it gently against my nose "You love the smell of Korean girl's dirty panties, don't you? You perverted Yankee bastard! And to consider you were questioning my order when this is obviously a dream come true for you." She stuffed all of the panties into her fashionable purse and then walked out of the school as if nothing had happened. We got into the van and she told the driver to drive towards the beach of Wonsan.
As we arrived at the beach we decided to play volleyball with some locals who happily shared their soju and kimchi with Miss Song and me. At a small beach bar she watched me play table soccer against group of giggling teenage Korean girls. Needless to say, I lost. Being homogenous and pure-blooded, Korean women are inherently superior to American bastards. I should know this by now. I went to Miss Song and said "They were clearly better than me." She smirked boastfully "Of course they're better than you, they're Korean!" I sighed recognizing the truth of her statement, and she just grinned with pride of belonging to the superior Kim Il Sung race.

We were both clearly a bit drunk after so much soju and the mood became much more relaxed, with jokes and laughs all around, the militant anti-Americanism of Miss Song turned into a playfully domineering attitude. After a few hours, the sun was already setting and so we decided to head back to the van.

On our way back to Pyongyang she told the driver something in Korean that I didn't understand. When I asked her what she told him she said that I'll see. The driver stopped the van at the side of the highway and she tried dragging me out with her, I resisted for a moment asking her what's up. "Just trust me, you dog. It's a little reward." We were standing outside the van near some bushes and a couple of small trees when she told me that she needed to relive herself.  I told her "So, then go. Why do I have to come out along with you?" She smirked, then told me to get down on my knees near the bushes. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw how she pulled down her panties, lifted her skirt and hovered her pussy above my face. "Don't miss a drop, you Yankee rat!"

Kneeling like a servile dog in front of such a stunningly beautiful Korean woman, I began to feel shudders of sexual excitement pulsating through my entire body. I closed my eyes and patiently waited for the heavenly moment when I could feel her piss making its way down my throat. And then it began, first a small spray and then a large flow of her piss began to enter my mouth. I collected as much as I could before swallowing it and then pressed my mouth against her pussy so as to get her divine nectar directly from the source. As it stopped flowing I hungrily began licking her pussy clean for more, but she slapped me away after a few seconds and pulled her panties up again. "Now you drank mine and your soju" she giggled. "Hopefully you won't be too drunk for what I have planned for you this night!"

That night, as I watching North Korean TV,  Miss Song came into my hotel room with the panties we stole from the school this morning. She put the panties on my bed and sat down on a chair. She then ordered me to undress infront of her. Nervous but at the same time thrilled at the possibilties of what might be about to come I decided to play along with her game. Standing naked in the room, she told me to sit down in the corner of room with my legs spread. She took two of the panties from the bed and put one in my mouth and pulled the other over my head, she then threw the rest onto my whole body. As I inhaled, the smell of used girls panties began entering my nostrils and I became massively sexually aroused. Noticing my large erection bouncing up and down in excitement, she rubbed my cock with her high heels and whipped me harshly with a belt multiple times. She cussed at me in Korean, but with my mediocre Korean language skills I could only understand half of what she said. When I first thought of visiting the DPRK, I never imagined it would end with me getting a footjob in my hotel room by an eye-poppingly beautiful North Korean tour guide. After a few minutes of this humiliating treatment I ejaculated and she laughed at me "You pathetic bastard. I can't believe you actually enjoy this."

She sat down on my bed and said "Well, now that've you've already had your fun, it's time you serve me." She pulled down her panties and ordered me to lick her between her legs. As I sunk my tongue into her pussy, the smell of her vaginal fluids mixed with salty piss immediately filled me with a rush of ecstatic pleasure. She pressed my face futher into her juicy pussy and commanded me to keep going even if I'm out of air. "It tastes so good, Miss Song." I muttered in a brief moment while desperately gasping for breath. "Shut up, bastard. You only talk when you're ordered to." she scoffed while continuing to moan shyly and pressing my nose even deeper into her slimy, hairy Korean pussy. After a few minutes,  her moaning intensified and I could feel we were reaching a climax. Afterwards her moaning dropped to a quieter tone again and she moaned in a mild relaxed manner for a while before pushing me aside and asking with a smirk "What does the dog say to its master after its meal?" Seeing her silently getting up and leaving my room without another word, I cried out "Thank you, Miss Song!" as I heard the hotel door close behind me. I wondered what was going through her head.